Monthly Fee Schedule

Fees for our programs are listed below, which is a monthly rate depending on how many days per week your child attends. If you are able to volunteer in the program, we have a reduced rate that takes into consideration your time being volunteered. Volunteer families are required to help in the classroom one day every month.

Our Half Day Program is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm, September to June. We offer many flexible enrollment options including anything from one day a week to five days a week.

Our Extended Day Program is offered two days a week from 9:00am to 2:30pm. It is available to any child who is 3, and will be entering the school system the next school year and includes a catered lunch. Space permitting, we also offer our afternoon only program for eligible children.

If you are interested in Registering, please contact us and we can set up a time for a tour. Alternatively, you can download the Registration Package.

Below fees are effective for the current year and are inclusive of snacks for the morning program.

Number of Days 1 2 3 4 5
Morning Program (monthly rate based on number of days per week)
Base Rate $130 $250 $355 $440 $540
Extended Day Add-On (monthly rate based on number of days per week)
Rate $61.50 $123


Please contact us for more information and to book your tour today!